Elevating Your Small Business Network: Beyond Basic ISP Solutions - Root Port IT Solutions
Published July 15, 2024

Elevating Your Small Business Network: Beyond Basic ISP Solutions

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In today’s fast-paced digital environment, the backbone of any small business is its network infrastructure. While it might be tempting to rely solely on a basic Internet Service Provider (ISP) for your connectivity needs, this approach can leave your business vulnerable to inefficiencies and security risks. As your business grows, so do the demands on your network. 

Here’s why implementing a basic ISP provider is not enough, what you need to consider for a robust network setup, and plenty of resources to elevate your SMB network. We’ll also cover a case study that shows how one organization successfully upgraded its network infrastructure. Let’s begin!


What We’ll Cover

The Limitations of Basic ISP Solutions

Bandwidth Constraints

Lack of Redundancy

Insufficient Security

Limited Support and Scalability

Employee Training and Policies

Regular Backups and Disaster Recovery

Recommendations for a Robust Network Infrastructure

Business-Class ISP Plans

Redundant Connections

Advanced Security Measures

Network Monitoring and Management

Scalable Solutions

Quality of Service (QoS)

Employee Training and Policies

Case Study: Network Upgrade for Lawrence + Memorial Hospital






The Limitations of Basic ISP Solutions

A basic ISP setup might suffice for home use, but it falls short for a business environment with 20 or more users. Here are some key limitations:

  • Bandwidth Constraints
  • Lack of Redundancy
  • Insufficient Security
  • Limited Support and Scalability
  • Employee Training and Policies
  • Regular Backups and Disaster Recovery

Bandwidth Constraints

Basic ISP packages often provide limited bandwidth, which can lead to slow internet speeds and bottlenecks during peak usage times. For a business with multiple employees accessing the internet simultaneously, this can severely impact productivity, leading to missed deadlines, frustrated employees, and potentially lost clients.

Lack of Redundancy

Basic ISP services typically do not offer redundancy options. Without a backup connection, any outage can halt business operations, leading to potential revenue losses and customer dissatisfaction. In a worst-case scenario, extended outages could result in significant financial losses and damage to the company’s reputation.

Insufficient Security

Cybersecurity threats are a growing concern for businesses of all sizes. Basic ISPs offer minimal security features, making your network vulnerable to attacks. This can result in data breaches, loss of sensitive information, and costly downtime to recover from the attack. The financial and reputational damage from such incidents can be catastrophic.

Limited Support and Scalability

Basic ISP plans come with minimal support, often requiring businesses to troubleshoot issues on their own. In a worst-case scenario, prolonged technical issues can disrupt operations, leading to significant productivity losses. Additionally, these plans are not designed to scale with growing businesses, leading to frequent upgrades and disruptions, which can be both costly and time-consuming.

Employee Training and Policies

Without proper training and enforced policies, employees may unknowingly compromise network security, leading to breaches caused by human error. This can result in significant data loss and security incidents that could have been easily prevented with regular training sessions.

Regular Backups and Disaster Recovery

Failing to establish a robust backup and disaster recovery plan leaves your business vulnerable to data loss due to hardware failure, cyber-attacks, or natural disasters. In a worst-case scenario, this could mean the complete loss of critical business data, leading to operational paralysis and potentially irreversible damage to the business.

Recommendations for a Robust Network Infrastructure

With the limitations of basic ISP solutions in mind, here are several key recommendations to help you establish a resilient and effective network:

  • Business-Class ISP Plans
  • Redundant Connections
  • Advanced Security Measures
  • Network Monitoring and Management
  • Scalable Solutions
  • Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Employee Training and Policies

Business-Class ISP Plans

Opt for ISP plans designed for businesses. These plans typically offer higher bandwidth, better reliability, and improved customer support. Look for providers that offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to ensure guaranteed uptime.

More on SLAs can be found on Investopedia.

Redundant Connections

Implement redundancy by having multiple internet connections from different providers. This ensures that if one connection fails, your business remains operational with the backup connection.

Redundancy planning is covered extensively on TechTarget.

Advanced Security Measures

Invest in a comprehensive security solution that includes firewalls, VPNs, anti-virus software, and intrusion detection systems. Update these systems regularly and conduct security audits to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.

For a detailed look at cybersecurity best practices, visit CISA.

Network Monitoring and Management

Utilize network monitoring tools to proactively manage and troubleshoot your network. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can offer these services, ensuring your network is always optimized and secure.

Learn more about MSPs on Gartner.

Scalable Solutions

Choose networking equipment and solutions that can scale with your business. Consider cloud-based services for flexibility and ease of management as your needs evolve.

For insights on cloud services, check IBM.

Quality of Service (QoS)

Implement QoS protocols to prioritize critical business applications and services over less important traffic. This ensures that essential operations remain unaffected during high-traffic periods.

Learn more about QoS on Cisco.

Employee Training and Policies

Educate your employees about network security best practices and enforce strict policies regarding the use of the network and connected devices. Regular training sessions can help prevent security breaches caused by human error.

For comprehensive employee training resources, visit SANS Institute.

Case Study: Network Upgrade for Lawrence + Memorial Hospital


Lawrence + Memorial Hospital in New London, Connecticut, faced significant challenges with its outdated wireless network infrastructure. The existing network could not support the hospital’s growing need for advanced healthcare IT applications and electronic health records.


The hospital needed to upgrade its wireless capabilities to handle a myriad of wireless devices, including PCs, tablets, and VoIP handsets. The legacy network infrastructure was insufficient, leading to connectivity issues and hampering the efficient use of technology.


ChimeNet, a healthcare IT provider, conducted a comprehensive wireless site survey and identified 790 locations for new wireless access points across the hospital’s facilities. The upgrade included:

  • Installation of new wireless access points to improve coverage and capacity.
  • Deployment of secure data, voice, and location services to support the hospital’s IT needs.
  • A managed implementation plan to minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition.


The network upgrade significantly enhanced the hospital’s wireless capabilities, enabling better support for critical healthcare applications. The improved network infrastructure led to increased operational efficiency and better patient care. 

For more details on this case study, visit ChimeNet.


For small businesses, investing in a robust network infrastructure goes beyond merely subscribing to a basic ISP. By prioritizing higher bandwidth, redundancy, security, and scalability, businesses can ensure a reliable and efficient network that supports growth and protects against potential threats. Executive decision-makers must recognize the critical role of a well-designed network in driving productivity and long-term success.

Ready to elevate your network infrastructure? Discover how implementing advanced network solutions can boost your business performance and security today! Contact us to learn more about creating a scalable, secure, and reliable network for your growing business.



Root Port IT Solutions is a small, agile and dedicated IT consulting company based in Chicago, IL. Our goal is to provide such excellent IT services that our client relationships generate referrals for future business.